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FAQ section


How to Rank My Website in Google?

When you don't see all your product pages in the Google index or the new pages you have built, then you have indexation issues. Dynamic content or site search results don't work. Problematic navigation and many filters that confuse search engine crawlers.

You might have an infinite loop, pages directing to a series of other pages without end. Suggestion: Trim as much as you can the parameters (session ID, filters, etc.) in the URLs as they generate issues for the search engines. Block them via robots.txt. Restrict product filters to an absolute minimum. Avoid using query parameters or use the Google Search Console to filter them out. Use canonical tags for each page. I avoid working with a website that appends parameters in the URLs because search engines will have to deal with an infinite number of copies of the page I try to rank. The developers didn't think there will be ever a need to do SEO when they designed the shop.

Inert internal links, broken links as we call them. You might have changed something, or a middle page got deleted or unpublished for some reason. Suggestion: Run an audit. There are desktop programs like Xenu (free software) that scan your website and identify broken links. You might as well try to use one of the numerous online tools to look for broken links.




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