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FAQ section


What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Everybody talks about the Long Tail keywords (LTK), but only a few can profit from them. Let's see if they're any good. LTK is a group of three or four words making a phrase, very targeted to the user/buyer intent. We use to call them transactional because they are on the spot of the buyer intent, used by searchers who know what they're looking for and are ready to make a transaction. Generally, they are low competition keywords and pretty easy to rank for. Mind you, the search volume that the tools show is not accurate; usually, it is below the actual hits you get in the visits stats. The tools often research and come up with a list of long-tail keywords. You can also look at the footer of the search results page in Google, a small list of suggested long-tail keys shows up there. Additionally, you can look up for threads in communities like Quora, Reddit, and the search function of YouTube.




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